Nakedness Does Not Make You Attractive

It might look as a fashion nowadays to visit the mall, go to school or the gym without fully dressed especially to the ladies but it can cause a lot of damage. Most ladies they are either in their crop tops or mini skits these days. On Monday 03 August 2015 at the Virgin Active fitness centre near The Workshop in Durban people witnessed a tragedy. It was the early morning hours when virgin active club holders where busy enjoying and steaming out the month end alcohol in their bodies when an old lady, assumed to be in her 40s came from the change room with only her swimming cushion going to the swimming pool. People started staring at her and guys enjoyed their normal habit they call washing their eyes while she was swimming.

It was when every man was enjoying staring the amusing body of the woman, according to an eye witness who didn’t wanted his name to be mentioned, when another man fell to the swimming pool. The witness argued that the man was presumably hypnotized by the woman who was diving in the pool forgetting to focus on his way. He was busy looking at the swimming woman behind her girlfriend when they were both trying out some weights. The man, who fell into the swimming pool, refused to give his side of the story because he was embarrassed since he was with her girlfriend, and walked straight out to the changing rooms leaving her girlfriend shocked. The old lady continued with her swimming lessons and ignored the drama laughing at how weak men are, according to the witness.

Ladies, who witnessed the drama, had mixed emotions; as some argued that ladies must grow up and love themselves and stop going around showing off their body to all man. Another woman added that it is the same thing at schools, universities or at the mall. They are afraid of going out with their boyfriends because all they look is naked woman either showing of their boobs, also known as cleavage or buttocks, in their miniskirts. It is a foolish thing to think going out naked as woman will win you a man, added another woman who seem to be in her early 20s, but it only make you very cheap. Some defended themselves saying they never invite any one to look at them and after working out so hard in the gym they will not stop showing off their body.

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